Salon Radical is a small art  center for masters of the arts, young and old.  It Seeks to bring together experiment and traditions, is transcultural and cherishes research. 

Artistic leaders and researchers are Paul Vandenbroeck and Pé  Vermeersch.

www.pevermeersch.com  | www.vandenbroeck.art 

Salon Radical  LOCATED IN KORTRIJK AND is the WORKING SPACE  of RADICAL HEARTS  VZW ( which is an international performing art cie ) 

Central stands the research in  Weaving Art from the Magrheb  by prof.em. Paul Vandenbroeck  and the research into somatic practices, contemporary dance and performing art by philosopher dancer Pé Vermeersch . The wonderful collection we have gathered and researched throughout the years is often exposed together with contemporary art work , concerts and danceperformances.  It is a truly transcultural house in which resonance is a main idea, between non western and western art forms, between tradtion and  experiment. it is a place where intuition is of source of research and where the deep knowledge of the body is the treasure for surprising creations.  The expositions we have made can be labelled as truly experiential. We created places with Art in which people love to ‘ stay ‘for some time and in which many different things can be discovered. (deserts capes 2019, breathing red (2021), Blue – sign of the night (2023)

Besides his complex and sensibile work , we also  organise performances and concerts,  lectures, debates , somatic and danceworkshop an poetry performances  ( f.e. DORST 2023) 

THE NAKED COLLECTION ( see collectie : from Maghreb to Flanders )  every saturday from 6th of january till 2nd of March from 2PM til 6 PM
LECTURE – 27th of JANUARY                                                                            
GOLDEN BODY TRAINING PROJECT : from april – june tuesdays -saturdays

It is also possible to rent our space and to organise performing events in it ( max two weeks ) . please contact info